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Summer Spotlight: Nick Reed

Nick Reed • Jun 13, 2022

Summer Spotlight: Nick Reed

Shining a spotlight on what God is up to in the lives of our congregation, students, and staff. Email if you're interested in sharing your story. 

1) Beach or Mountains? Defend your answer.

Growing up I would have said the beach, however, the beach is limited to warm weather months while the mountains have a diversity of activities for both the cold and warm weather months. So, I am going to have to go with the mountains. There is something special about waking up and watching the sunrise with a cup of coffee in the cool, brisk mountain air.

2) Share a brief bio:

My full name is Nicholas Alexander Reed – I grew up in a non-Christian home and have two brothers (I am the middle child). I was introduced to Jesus during my time attending KUMC after being invited by some friends. I felt a strong call to Youth Ministry late in high school and haven't looked back since. I have spent the past 12 years working in Youth Ministry at two different churches and am currently 1/3 of the way through my MDiv at Asbury Theological seminary. I am married to my beautiful wife Sonja, and we have 3 daughters (and a son on the way- praise Jesus).

3) Tell us something unique about you that we’d never think to ask.

I am a Gator fan (sorry). I was born in Gainesville, Florida, and moved to Tallahassee when I was 6 years old. Clearly, this is not a question you would ever ask or want to ask :)

4)What are you reading/listening to right now that the congregation needs to know about?

I am currently reading a book titled “Rare Leadership” by Marcus Warner and Jim Wilder (Thanks, Judy Henderson). The book is an amazing mix of neuroscience, emotional/spiritual health, and leadership. Here's a quote from the book that I loved:

“When you prioritize people and lead from a secure identity, you’ll be amazed at the freedom you feel and the results you see.”

5) Where do you currently see God at work in your life?

I see God working in the inner parts of my life. In the details. The overlooked moments. I had the opportunity to share with our congregation a while ago about the exhaustion I was experiencing and the identity crisis I was navigating. I am still working through both of those things. One of the steps in understanding my identity in Christ was learning how to put what I do “on the table”. I have to be willing to understand my relationship with Christ (my identity in and through Him) apart from what I do (youth ministry and coaching). The other part of my life that has required attention is my time. I have gone through seasons of great discipline and seasons of poor discipline. In those seasons of poor discipline, there never seems to be enough time – the truth is… there is. I have just lost discipline in the finer parts of my life. Writing a sermon that would normally only take a few hours will end up taking a whole week because I have been neglecting my daily devotional with God. Having enough time to love my family well, get my work done, and stay up to date with school means that I need to wake up on time – which means I need to go to sleep on time – which means I need to avoid binge-watching tv shows in the evening as a way to “wind-down.” How about my finances? It’s all connected. If I don’t have the energy to prepare and cook meals regularly, I am tempted to eat out again and again and again and to withhold the things that God has called me to give. I don’t mean that I can’t enjoy myself, I just mean that if I want to experience the fullness, abundance, and joy that God has for my life – I have to be willing to honor Him with my time. 

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”  (John 10:10)

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